Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cheapest Data Logger Yet

I always come up with ideas that have absolutely no commercial value. I came up with an idea to link arduino, to firmata, to python, to google spreadsheet, to google gadgets. The end result is a data logger that you can monitor from your homepage. All its going to take is a relatively small python script. The uses are pretty much any beginning arduino user, or perhaps someone who wants a really cheap sensor network.

I'm going to:
  1. Get up and running on googles data api and just try to do some simple data manipulation.
  2. Get arduino programmed with firmata, and get my hands on an lm-35 sensor.
  3. Write a tkinter script to upload readings.
  4. Create a dumb web page to show temperature readings from my apartment.
I have yet to talk about http://foodator.appspot.com, the new web app I wrote using google's app engine. It collects recipies, and generates menu's randomly so you don't have to think about what to make. It was sort of medium difficulty to make, but not too hard. I'm worried that few people will use it, but I know that I will use it. Its alot easier to use the web than run a script from a dos box. So whenever I need a small useful program, I'm just going to upload it to google app engine. That way I can share it with my friends.

The best way to practice your dvorak typing is to blog.

What I'm leaving

I'm moving in the next few weeks. The place is a live work complex that hasn't taken off. It reminds me of what this country is like. The place is leaking and empty, while there's all this nice paint and drywall making it look OK on the inside. At night there's so much noise that you can't sleep. And to top it all off, its way too expensive.

So I'm Moving. Not out of the county though, but I am worried. I'm worried that most people don't understand the current economic crisis.